Enabling people to stay in their homes for as long as they wish

Northfield Lodge Office 1

First Floor 35 Leicester Road Blaby Leicestershire LE8 4GR

0116 319 6262

24/7 Customer Support our offices may be closed but we are available

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00

Out of hours service available we are always available

Staffing Solutions

Welcome to Abundant Life Care

Welcome to Abundant Life Care services, one of the fast growing service providers. Based on principles which include working with all service users regardless of race, religious, cultural, sexual or gender treating services users equally and fairly regardless of who they are. Preferences and special needs advice will be sought to enable Abundant Life Care staff to meet the needs accordingly.






Person Centered Support

Everyone is different, hence the need for all of us to be treated as individuals with our own unique personalities and challenges. Our service at Abundant Life Care is person Centred and designed to deliver and meet the needs of you or your loved ones. We are proud in providing dedicated tailored care. We are very compassionate in providing practical assistance with personal care and household tasks in the comfort of your own home.

Our Service Includes

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0116 319 6262 | 0786 309 6983

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Live in Care leaflet